Healthy Homes Roanoke
Awarded the Healthy Housing Change Agent Award
by the National League of Cities
Roanoke Gas Company is a proud partner in the Healthy Homes Roanoke collaborative. Healthy Homes was recently awarded the Healthy Housing Change Agent Award, given by the National League of Cities at its annual Congressional City Conference for the work completed in the Healthy Housing Local Action Challenge to advance equitable and healthy housing practices.
Led by Healthy Homes Roanoke, Roanoke City completed over 14 actions to become the first city to reach the Change Agent Level in the Challenge. Some of the actions included: conducting an Asset and Gap Analysis to understand healthy housing resources, needs, and opportunities in Roanoke; launching a social media page and website to deliver education about the healthy homes program; and holding biweekly meetings with partners collaborating to ensure that each qualifying home received the most assistance possible.
Healthy Homes Roanoke is a public-private collaboration that works to improve the health, safety, and comfort of our most vulnerable citizens through holistic home assessments that address energy burden, indoor air quality, and home safety. The collaboration is an established coalition of local organizations who share a common goal of advancing a coordinated healthy homes strategy in Roanoke and bring a set of complementary programs and expertise, including Blue Ridge Independent Living Center, Lead Safe Roanoke, TAP, Carilion Clinic, Freedom First Credit Union, Roanoke Gas, and the City of Roanoke’s HUD Entitlement (CDBG/HOME) and Sustainability Office.